What started
“God, How is Your Day?”
I remember sitting in my bed doing my nightly Bible Study, I was hopping around to different stories in the Bible, stories of the moments leading up to Christ’s crucifixion, and the story of the creation of man and how we are made in the likeness of God. When a text came across my phone of a friend asking me how my day had been. Suddenly looking at that text I had an overwhelming rush of emotion that brought me to tears wondering, does any one ever ask God how His day was? I know I hadn’t. I took to google to find out, to see if I was absolutely crazy in this thought.. and there was nothing.. it just wasn’t something any one did or at least they didn’t talk about it if they did..So sitting in my bed bawling my eyes out thinking about how everyone gets so caught up in unloading all their cares and desires on Him.. how often do we stop and ask about his? He describes in his word that he hurts when we hurt, he gets angry and jealous. Jesus was so anxious to the point of sweating blood at one point. He has all these emotions and it broke my heart to think I never stopped and asked about how he was feeling. Don’t get me wrong, I know He doesn’t need me to ask, and his emotions are holy and pure, but lets be real, from a relational standpoint none of us NEED anyone to ask us how our day was or take the time to listen..but it sure does show how much someone cares when they do. I realized that I had never merged the idea of things I knew you needed in order to have a healthy relationship with the people physically in your life, and apply the exact same principles in growing my relationship with him. Through the exploration of this it completely shifted my mind from reading the Bible as an instruction manual of life, to a way to get to know God’s personality, in a human relational sort of way. Which inevitably made me fall absolutely in love with him. It changed the list of do’s and dont’s to things I could do to simply make his day better. It shifted to me fulfilling my part in a love language between the two of us that would bring us closer together. I no longer felt like I was trying to obtain some perfect human status to help him love me more. I was simply just choosing to do my part in our relationship because I loved him and trusted him. This change in my perspective changed everything for me, So maybe throughout this website I can help you to gain this perspective also and learn who God is, and who He truly made you to be, and naturally grow in your sanctification with Him and for Him.